
Flower Show – Byrants Park Kodaikanal

Come summer and Kodaikanal is the center of attractions for tourist, local and international alike. Kodaikanal has been hosting the Kodaikanal Summer Festival “Kodai Vizha” that happens during the month of May, extending to June sometimes.

The Kodai Vizha takes place at the Byrant’s Park and surrounding areas. This year the festival inauguration also featured an orchestra at the Byrant’s Park. The key attraction of this festival is Flower show that happens at the Park. Tourists are welcomed with floral carpet literally. The flower show has on displays a wide variety of flowers from faar near, put together in many creative and attractive styles. Many other cultural events and activities like rangoli competition, kabaddi tournament, bharatanatyam are also organised which is an added bonus for tourists visiting during this period.

One thought on “Flower Show – Byrants Park Kodaikanal

  1. Suganthi says:

    Was there. Nice display of flowers. This year was grander than the last year.

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